Solar Water Heater

Solar Water Heater reduces your electricity bills by replacing electricity consumption for one of the most expensive energy consumers – hot water supply – with solar energy system.

Savings may reach 100% in 9 months (from March till October) and 70% in the rest of the year!

Solar Water Heater is the cheapest household solar solution because it consists of very simple technological components: solar converters. It is also compatible with a conventional electric boiler, which is already in most homes. So, you do not need to buy a new one!

Solar Water Heater is the simplest way to go solar right now!

What's in the box?

Each Abrikos.Solar’s boxed Solar Water Heater includes all needed components, such as high-grade PV-modules, reliable and efficient DC/DC or frequency converter, all necessary roof mounting elements and wires to connect PV-modules to converter.

We offer three solutions for almost any household, depending on its consumption of hot water.

You may install your Abrikos.Solar’s boxed Solar Water Heater by yourself or hire local installer you trust. If you need, we may find the closest reliable and qualified installer in your area for you.

How to choose?

4✕265W ABi-Solar Poly PV modules
Kerberos Light
Roof mounting system and wiring
6.4 m² of roof surface
32 000 Litres of Hot Water (t+60°C)/Year in Lisboa, Madrid, Athens
28 800 Litres of Hot Water (t+60°C)/Year in Roma, Ankara
26 000 Litres of Hot Water (t+60°C)/Year in Sofia, Bucharest
24 000 Litres of Hot Water (t+60°C)/Year in Chisinau, Budapest, Bratislava
22 000 Litres of Hot Water (t+60°C)/Year in Paris, Wien, Munich, Copenhagen, Warsaw
20 600 Litres of Hot Water (t+60°C)/Year in Berlin, Amsterdam, Praha, Stockholm
7✕265W ABi-Solar Poly PV modules
Roof mounting system and wiring
11.2 m² of roof surface
64 000 Litres of Hot Water (t+60°C)/Year in Lisboa, Madrid, Athens
57 600 Litres of Hot Water (t+60°C)/Year in Roma, Ankara
52 000 Litres of Hot Water (t+60°C)/Year in Sofia, Bucharest
48 000 Litres of Hot Water (t+60°C)/Year in Chisinau, Budapest, Bratislava
44 000 Litres of Hot Water (t+60°C)/Year in Paris, Wien, Munich, Copenhagen, Warsaw
41 200 Litres of Hot Water (t+60°C)/Year in Berlin, Amsterdam, Praha, Stockholm
15✕265W ABi-Solar Poly PV modules
Roof mounting system and wiring
24 m² of roof surface
128 000 Litres of Hot Water (t+60°C)/Year in Lisboa, Madrid, Athens
57 600 Litres of Hot Water (t+60°C)/Year in Roma, Ankara
104 000 Litres of Hot Water (t+60°C)/Year in Sofia, Bucharest
96 000 Litres of Hot Water (t+60°C)/Year in Chisinau, Budapest, Bratislava
88 000 Litres of Hot Water (t+60°C)/Year in Paris, Wien, Munich, Copenhagen, Warsaw
82 400 Litres of Hot Water (t+60°C)/Year in Berlin, Amsterdam, Praha, Stockholm

Want some Abrikos? Request an Offer Now!

If you already know, which Abrikos boxed Solar Water Heater you want, please submit the form and we’ll check if we can make you an extra discount!

By submitting the form, you do not confirm any order. You’re just letting us know that you’re interested in our product.

We’ll contact you within a day to reconcile all the details and to answer all your questions.

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